Korea has twelve animals representing the zodiac signs. The oriental zodiac is a repeating cycle of 12 years, with each year represented by an animal, and the animals are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig, in order. This year is the year of the Ox which denotes the hard work and honesty. We all wish 2021 will be full of good energy and luck as this is the year of the auspicious White Ox. Let’s hear talks of our employees whose zodiac animal is the Ox.
"Let’s run forward"
Seung Yup, Lee | U.A.E Nuclear Power Plant Site
1. What I said most often in 2021 was “Ah… no… and come on!” Working at a construction site, I usually meet different solutions to a problem. Since I believe work is an extension of human relations, friendly words come first. These words are the first ones I would like to use to deliver my opinion to others.
2. My happiness index stands at 63 percent. Not to mention, my family is my biggest happiness. But fulfilling my responsibility at Hyundai E&C is also an important driving force for being happy. I have worked for 21 years, which accounts for about 63 percent out of 33 years of continuous work until retirement.
3. To be 100 percent happy, I would like to retire at the full retirement age. I could not be happier if I accomplished my duties, working with my colleagues.
4. When I feel tired or low, I read a cartoon showing justice always wins. Then, the world looks right, though this does not last long.
5. My goal for this year is to be a friendly boomer. My juniors sometimes say I act like a so-called boomer. Since things are already like this, I will be a friendlier boomer who can communicate with them. One sure thing I will do this year is that I will be a winner of lottery.
#colleagues #run #together #cheerup
"Let’s be happy"
Youn Su, Jung | Technical Solution Group
1. What I said most often in 2021 was “let’s wash your hands.” I coax my young son to wash his hands many times a day since COVID-19 and homeworking have made me a nagging father.
2. My happiness index stands at 90 percent. It must have been 100 percent without this virus situation. My driving force for happiness is definitely my family, because just thinking of my family cheers me up whenther we are together or apart. I wish this pandemic will end soon so that our employees working in overseas project sites can meet their families more often.
3. To be 100 percent happy, I will be happy today. Carpe diem! I will not sacrifice today for a happier tomorrow. Instead, I try to be happy every day to remember today as a happy one.
4. When I feel tired or low, I am true to the moment without worrying too much, like the saying that “This, too, shall pass.” While I stay faithful to every moment, things go well.
5. My goal for this year is to exercise every day to keep my body fit and healthy. As I get older, I start to understand just how precious health is.
#carbon-copy #father #son
"Let’s achieve goals"
Hwang, Seo | Changwon Du-dong Logistics Center Site
1. What I said most often in 2021 was “All right.” It probably should be the most said by office workers including me.
2. My happiness index stands at 12 percent. My driving forces for happiness are my family and a sense of accomplishment. I am currently working far away from home and meet my family only during weekend. For about one year, due to the coronavirus, I had a rare chance to learn something fulfilling, which decreased my happiness index.
3. To be 100 percent happy, I will work even harder, expecting that I can take some rest after completing the service in this construction site.
4. When I feel tired or low, I do what I can find fulfillment in. After I finish whatever it is, I feel useful, and feel better. From time to time, I play the guitar alone, or find bugs in computer programs.
5. My goal for this year is bicycle commuting. I would like to enjoy the newly married life with my wife after I finish up this project to be completed at the end of this year.
#missingyou #mywife #marriage #thebest
"Let’s be safe"
Eun Bae, Kim | Singapore Office
1. What I said most often in 2021 was “Take care of your health.” I ask after my family members and friends via telephone or text message, but I wish they can feel my caring.
2. My happiness index stands at 50 percent. My driving force for happiness is my daughter. I would like to be a respectable person, but most of all I want to be a mother my daughter can feel proud of. Of course, I should go back to home on time to be a good mother, though.
3. To be 100 percent happy, I will not bother to try hard. Someday, I will have to weather difficulties, while I will be able to find life is pleasant. Along the way, happiness will reside in my life.
4. When I feel tired or low, I move my body to get rid of distracting and negative thoughts. I often have small talk with my family and people around me.
5. My goal for this year is to take an airplane. It sounds like a joke, but I truly wish the pandemic ends and I can freely travel in Korea and fly to go on a business trip to neighboring countries.
#lovely #mydaughter #happy #time
"Let’s be rich"
Ji Hoon, Lee | Hillstate Cheongnyangni Site
1. What I said most often in 2021 was “Ian, please!” I was assigned to the construction site and started to work during weekends. After that, my daughter wants me to play more and I beg her to give me a break.
2. My happiness index stands at 95 percent. Of course, my biggest motivation is my family. I try to overcome difficulties as positively as possible. I refrain myself to prevent my negative feelings from spreading to others.
3. To be 100 percent happy, I will do exercise. I have realized that staying fit enables you to handle with a hard time as well as do something great.
4. When I feel tired or low, I travel. Although I could not travel in recent days, I used to refresh myself while looking around new places and eating delicious foods during a trip with my family. I hope I can go back to normal and freely travel at home and abroad.
5. My goal for this year is to share more time with my daughter and have good memories. My lovely daughter turned six years old this year. I would like to spend more meaningful time with her to build long-lasting memories. I will make this year amazing, and I hope to enjoy photos full of precious memories about this time next year.
#myduaghtuer #sixyearolds #levelup
"Let’s smile"
Jung Yeon, Kim | Transmission Line & Substation Group
1. What I said most often in 2021 was “when the coronavirus pandemic ends.” I make vague promises as restrictions on everyday life have increased due to COVID-19. I hope I can feel free to meet people and travel soon in 2021.
2. My happiness index stands at 70 percent. I refresh myself with enjoying delicious foods with people around me. Eating something delicious is a trivial yet sure method of being happy.
3. To be 100 percent happy, I will try to appreciate small things.
4. When I feel tired or low, I run myself ragged. I move my body by starting with trivial things such as exercise or cleaning up. When I feel exhausted, I prefer to meet people, rather than being alone.
5. My goal for this year is to travel alone. I am eager to just set off to travel. I have never travelled alone. This year, I would like to enjoy the beauty of travelling alone.
#thisyear #definitely #travelingalone #challenge